Dyno Dynamics
Our dyno cell has been designed around our 2400hp capable 4WD DynoDynamics 450DS chassis dyno. Capable of running over 1200hp per axle we are able to cater for most vehicles on the road today, including front wheel drive, rear wheel drive and all wheel drive. One of the only Dyno Dynamics 450DS in the whole of Yorkshire!
Cooling the vehicles while on the dyno is of course very important and as is exhaust extraction, for this we have a dedicated extraction fan with high temperature flexible duct to take away the exhaust gasses while up front we have a 7.5kw 1000mm axial fan moving a massive 35000 CFM of air to keep the engine cool.
At the rear we have two 1000mm plate axial fans bolted to a custom silenced extraction duct giving approximately 44000 CFM of air movement which leaves the building via our custom made silenced extraction system.

Why We Use A Dyno Cell
When the cars are loaded on the dyno dynamics dyno we can attach a number of sensors to monitor how the engine is running, a common combination would be boost pressure and air fuel ratio, the AFR can be taken from inside the exhaust and the boost taken from any outlet on the manifold where possible.
We can then analyse the datalogging and plot graphs to show this information against engine rpm or even torque for example. Below is a graph showing power at the wheels and air fuel ratio before and after a custom remap!